Alexander Balinsky
Cardiff University
United Kingdom
Prof Alexander Balinsky received his PhD degree in Mathematical Physics from the Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics in 1990. He joined Cardiff University in 1997. He is a Professor in the Cardiff School of Mathematics and WIMCS (Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences), Chair in Mathematical Physics. His current research interests lie in the areas of spectral theory, stability of matter, image processing and machine learning. He has participated in EU TMR network on Partial Differential Equations and Quantum Mechanics (1996-2001). He was PI on three years EPSRC Research Grant 2003-2006. He was founding member of Cardiff Communication Research Centre. He had several joint with Hewlett-Packard research projects. He also did consultancy work for Reuters, London on mathematical models for Internet Security.
Research Interest
spectral theory, stability of matter, image processing and machine learning